VSI Retail, Office and Other Market Feasibility Services
VSI provides market analysis for a variety of real estate alternatives. In today's real estate market, there are very few "sure things." VSI can evaluate market conditions for any commercial development by analyzing existing supply, vacancies, sales/rental rates compared with expenditures in the area. VSI often evaluates mixed-use projects with a combination of residential and commercial uses (such as a downtown apartment community with first-floor retail) and provides assessments for an entire corridor or downtown revitalization. We can recommend a best-use scenario for a site and development alternatives that will be successful.
VSI is intensely involved in the evaluation and analysis of retail markets, and we are keenly aware of the various nuances that exist. A comprehensive VSI retail market study considers all aspects of a given market. Within a specific market, we survey all shopping locations, their built/renovated dates, square footage, leasing and other associated costs, and overall design, including available parking and accessibility. Read More
A VSI office analysis considers all aspects of an area when evaluating the market potential for office space. VSI identifies an office market's total square footage (as well as, actual square footage available), the age and condition of existing office space, and we pinpoint areas of office space concentration within the market. Read More
Recently, VSI has completed a number of market feasibility studies structured specifically for the self-storage market. We establish a Primary Market Area (PMA) for the site proposed and confirm all competitors and the effective rents paid, within the PMA. Read More
VSI is acutely engaged in determining market feasibility for proposed industrial and warehouse projects. As in our other market feasibility studies, VSI identifies all aspects of the market that may affect a proposed project's ability to compete. Read More
VSI is a leader in evaluating the luxury resort-marina and golf course market. As a part of a Port Clinton, Ohio resort-marina-golf course analysis, we surveyed nearly 100 Lake Erie marinas, with more than 16,000 boat slips. Read More
VSI is a leader in evaluating the luxury resort-marina and golf course market. As a part of a Port Clinton, Ohio resort-marina-golf course analysis, we surveyed nearly 100 Lake Erie marinas, with more than 16,000 boat slips. Read More
With a renewed interest in our downtowns, and a new consciousness toward energy efficiency, downtown revitalization has become a hotbed of housing development. VSI can assess the development potential of an area and its supporting region and provide specific conclusions for housing, retail, and office uses, including green concepts. Read More
VSI can assist counties and cities to better understand their housing need to better allocate precious dollars. Areas are established based on their socioeconomic composition. Surveys are completed to identify inventories and occupancy status. Read More
VSI can assist clients in their site selection process. Demographic characteristics, other housing alternatives and a thorough analysis of the property's location are used to provide recommendations of the most feasible site for your project. Read More