LIHTC/Section 42
Since 1986, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) IRS Section 42 Affordable Housing Program has facilitated financing for several hundred thousand affordable, high-quality rental housing units for income-qualified households, many of whom use LIHTC housing as a step up from public housing or other subsidized situations, on their way to market-rate rental housing or home ownership. This highly successful program enables both for-profit and nonprofit developers to receive up-front financing for these projects.
VSI has completed thousands of market studies for Tax Credit projects nationwide and provides market studies that are customized to meet the scoring criteria and guidelines required by each state. We have completed market studies for projects in all 50 states, as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. VSI is also hired directly by several state finance agencies to provide site-specific market studies for their allocation process.
Because of VSI's experience evaluating Tax Credit projects in nearly every type of market imaginable, the firm understands how market conditions impact a project. VSI often provides preliminary assessments of a market to determine initial support levels to help clients determine whether they should pursue developing in that market.